Instant Pot Risotto with Mushrooms
Mushroom and Swiss flavours combine to create this flavourful, cheesy vegan rice dish made in the Instant Pot that will...
Mushroom and Swiss flavours combine to create this flavourful, cheesy vegan rice dish made in the Instant Pot that will...
This zesty vegan Mexican Rice using our Smokey Jalapeño cashew cheese is made in the Instant Pot and is quick...
Use this recipe at your family weekend dinner or potluck or just to warm your heart on a weekday evening....
Here's a Zengarry twist on a creamy classic soup! This warm and hearty vegan dish uses our Ale Aged cheddar-style...
Looking for fresh new ways to feed your lasagna addiction? This comforting vegan lasagna soup bowl is topped with a...
Who wants to spend hours standing over a hot stove after a long day at work? These easy vegan Instant...
This zesty vegan dish has the best of both worlds- chili AND mac & cheese! It is warm, hearty and...
Ingredients 2 vegan sausages chopped 1 large onion, chopped 1-2 large carrots peeled and chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons dried oregano...