Roasted Garlic & Mushroom Bruschetta
This vegan bruschetta recipe contains sautéed mushrooms and our Fauxmagerie Zengarry Creamy Swiss cashew cheese. The rich, hearty flavours of...
This vegan bruschetta recipe contains sautéed mushrooms and our Fauxmagerie Zengarry Creamy Swiss cashew cheese. The rich, hearty flavours of...
Here's a Zengarry twist on a creamy classic soup! This warm and hearty vegan dish uses our Ale Aged cheddar-style...
Looking for fresh new ways to feed your lasagna addiction? This comforting vegan lasagna soup bowl is topped with a...
This delicious vegan comfort food makes it easy to ditch the dairy! You won't feel like you are missing out...
Pasta and cheese go together like peanut butter and jelly. This is one of the tastiest pasta recipes in our...
Quesadillas are one of those versatile dishes that make a tasty appetizer, quick snack or a quick and easy weeknight...
You don't have to give up your favourite foods when you give up dairy. Nowadays, there's vegan versions of all...
Take a break from tomato sauce and try this delicious recipe with your next pasta! Ingredients: 1 pkg. your...