Garlic Pesto Pizza
Our Garlic & Fine Herbs cashew cheese makes this pizza melt-in-your-mouth delicious! It is topped with pesto and fresh veggies...
Our Garlic & Fine Herbs cashew cheese makes this pizza melt-in-your-mouth delicious! It is topped with pesto and fresh veggies...
Here is fresh, quick dinner idea and an easy way to include more fresh, whole, nutrient-dense foods in your diet!...
This vegan barbecue cauliflower wrap is sweet, smokey and tangy. It’s perfect for summer because you can grill up the...
We love finding inspiration from outside the plant-based food world. This cheese and peas spread recipe written by Antoni Porowski...
I’m a firm believer that the key to brightening up a chilly day inside is cooking, but turning food into...
Zucchini noodles are often thought of as a diet food or a substitute for the real thing, but we prefer...
This cheesy, plant-based lasagna comes together surprisingly quick! We used a pre-made marinara sauce to save a bit of time,...
This hearty salad can be eaten as a meal and takes in the full flavours of the summer season. Not...