Five NO-COOK vegan meals to beat the heat this summer!
If you are looking for delicious vegan meal ideas that don’t involve having to turn the oven on, look no...
If you are looking for delicious vegan meal ideas that don’t involve having to turn the oven on, look no...
There are so many reasons to love this recipe.... It's 100% raw and full of live digestive enzymes, vitamins and...
Here is fresh, quick dinner idea and an easy way to include more fresh, whole, nutrient-dense foods in your diet!...
This recipe is perfect for summer. It’s served cold and requires no cooking, so you don’t have to heat up...
Zucchini noodles are often thought of as a diet food or a substitute for the real thing, but we prefer...
This garden salad is a perfect balance of peaches and cream on a bed of garden greens with toasted almonds...