Veggie loaded hummus pizza
Here's a recipe that puts a Mediterranean twist on the traditional pizza. Swap the usual sauce for a creamy blend of hummus and garlic...
Here's a recipe that puts a Mediterranean twist on the traditional pizza. Swap the usual sauce for a creamy blend of hummus and garlic...
This Margherita pizza recipe takes tradition to the next level by swapping mozzarella for our rich and flavourful Garlic &...
We did something amazing! We took our delicious cheesy artichoke dip and put it on a crust to make the...
Ingredients: 1 carrots bag, brushed 2-3 Tbsp. of coconut oil, melted 1 Tbsp. of dried rosemary 1 Tbsp. of...
An easy go to flatbread recipe! Ingredients: 1/2 package of vegan puff pastry, flat bread or any other kind...
Ingredients: 1/2 c. of Fauxmagerie Zengarry Garlic and Fine Herbs cashew cheese 1/3 cc of unsweetened almond milk Juice from...
This warm and delicious Artichoke Dip is a wonderful addition for any occasion. Creamy and tangy with a bit of...
Save the mashed potatoes for another day! Here's a mouth-watering vegan and dairy-free option for a classic holiday dish featuring...